Five Tips for Growing a Small Business [2023 Update]

Posted: June 11, 2018 | Updated:

From increasing revenue to increase the number of customers among others, every small business owner today dreams of growing their business in one way or another. While the ambition is often there, the pathway to growth is not always clear.

However, here is a compilation of five tips that should see your business grow within no time.

1.Focus on your customers

Today’s business world has significantly changed. There is stiff competition for customers, and quite often your competitors are trying to poach your clientele. However, basing your business on your customers will lead to loyalty even when other companies try stealing them.

When you focus on your customers, you will be able to ensure that they are always satisfied with your services. While this might at times lead to you incurring additional costs, it will pay itself in the end.

For example, the millennials today often use their phones for almost everything they do. If they form part of your clientele, then you can come up with a payment processing that is sure to satisfy them.

This will make them prefer doing business with you or even refer their friends to your place.

2.Think of your customer’s journey

For instance in a scenario where one is buying from your business, what are the steps that you are going to take? Answering this question can give you a glimpse of the customer journey.

It is the steps customers take from right when they first hear about you too when they have completed the buying process. While it may often vary, the general steps customers take are they are attracted to your business, you convert them, close them then you delight them.

Figuring out this journey and making it as smooth and comfortable as possible will help you get new customers but also retain the previous ones who will lead to growth.
For example, a business has Merchant Services meaning payments are made via credit or debit card.

In addition to installing a credit card machine, the company will need to ensure that the credit card processing is as smooth and effortless as is possible. This will help customers easily finish transactions and improve the business focus on its core functions.

3.Do a market segmentation

Understanding the market is a vital essential for any business looking to grow. Market segmentation can be done in the form of demographics, gender, age, tastes, and preferences.

Grouping the market can help the business effectively target and monitor progress. If the market is segmented, then it is going to be easy to understand what each looks for and trying meeting their needs this way.

It can also form a great way of division of metrics such that the information from each can be useful. You can know what strategy is working with which groups and those that need improvements. Therefore, you can take the necessary steps leading to growth.

4.Come up with a growth strategy that is within your financial capabilities

Most small businesses often become too ambitious and come up with growth strategies beyond their financial means. While ambition is right, the growth strategy chosen should be within reach without straining too much.

Some businesses tend to take up loans which they struggle to pay with proceeds from the company or, in some cases, sell a part of the stake of the business to investors. This often ends up being a headache in the long run.

However, you can settle for a growth strategy within your financial capabilities, and if done right, then there is a high likelihood you will achieve your growth goals.


The internet has diversified lifestyle today. It has made the world a global village. Similarly, small businesses can turn to it to inspire their growth. From social media platforms to search engines, display and search advertising can be an excellent way for a company to stimulate its growth.

Successful digital marketing campaigns can often lead to an increase in the customer base which in most cases increases revenue. Successfully growing a small business can be a little confusing.

However, these five tips for improving your small business can come in handy to plan for growth. Addressing these issues will often lead to increase.

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