First Data FD-150 Quick Reference Guide

First Data FD-150

How To Run a Transaction on an FD-150

How To Run a Sale Transaction with an FD-150 Credit Card Terminal

1.  Select “Transaction” from the FD 150 terminal idle screen and follow the on screen prompts.

 2.  Key in the amount of the sale using the FD-150 terminal keypad. 

3. Insert (Present, Swipe or manually key in) the card and press Enter. 

4. A “cash back” option may appear; select the desired option “cash back – Yes or No”? 

4.a. Enter the “cash back” amount (if this facility has been set-up). 

5. Prompt the customer to enter their secure PIN on the FD-150 terminal.

 6. The transaction will proceed to conclusion and a receipt will be printed on your FD150 credit card machine.

How To Run a Contactless Transaction with an FD-150 Terminal

1. Select “Transaction” from the FD-150 credit card terminal idle screen. 

2. Key in the amount of the sale using the keypad. 

3. Present the card to the terminal (tap the chip on the FD-150 terminal). 

4. The terminal will show “Print customer receipt  Yes or No?”. Select the desired option. 

5. The transaction will be completed and the receipt will print on your FD-150 credit card machine.

Select Enter to return to the home screen of your FD 150 credit card machine. 

Note: “Cash back” is not permitted in contactless transactions.

How To Process a Refund on an FD-150 Terminal

How To Run a Manual, Swipe, or EMV Chip Refund with an FD-150 Terminal

1. Select the “Transaction” option from the First Data FD-150 terminal’s idle screen. 

2. Select the “refund” option. 

3. Enter your administrative password and press Enter. 

4. Key in the customer’s original transaction amount.

 5. Insert (Present, Swipe or manually key in) the customer’s card and press Enter. 

6. The transaction will proceed to conclusion and a receipt will be printed on your FD 150 credit card machine.

7. Select the clear button to return to the main idle screen.

How To Void a Transaction on an FD-150

1. Select Other

2. Select Void

3. The terminal will prompt you to enter the transaction sequence number from the receipt.

4. Locate the sequence number on the receipt and enter it in.

5. Press the green enter key.

6. The terminal screen will show the transaction you’d like to void.

7. If the correct transaction. Select OK.

8. The terminal will perform the void.

9. A receipt confirming the voided transaction will print on your First Data FD-150.

How To Settle Your Current Batch on an FD150

1. Select Other on the main screen.

2. Select Close Batch on Your FD 150 credit card machine.

3. The terminal will process the batch.

4. The First Data FD150 terminal will print out a receipt to confirm your settlement.

5. The batch is now closed.

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