reversing chargebacks

Can Chargebacks Be Reversed

The chargeback may be reversed if the merchant can convince the issuing bank that the transaction was valid by submitting a solid dispute package. The bank investigates the dispute, and if the chargeback is determined to be fraudulent, they reverse it. The transaction funds will then be reimbursed to the merchant following this investigation. You should only choose chargebacks that are blatantly unfair if you want your chargeback reversal to be successful. That could apply to chargebacks brought on by incorrect card processing and instances where cardholders are unaware of the transaction.

Also, remember that depending on the issuing bank, transaction reversal can take 1-3 days. Ignoring chargebacks is not a practical choice to achieve business sustainability. The costs associated with chargebacks can be very high, and if you ignore them in the long run, your company’s survival may be in jeopardy. To recoup revenue, permanently lower chargeback rates, safeguard your reputation and maintain your business, think about reversing chargebacks.

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