Verifone Vx520 Quick Reference Guide

Verifone Vx520 Credit Card Terminal

How To Run a Transaction on a Verifone Vx520

  1. Press F2 for Sale
  2. Enter Clerk/Server ID and press ENTER
  3. Enter sale amount and press ENTER
  4. Enter tip amount and press ENTER
  5. Verify the Sales total; and press F1 for Yes
  6. Swipe/Insert/Tap/Key card
    • If inserting a Debit card, terminal will prompt with two options: select F1 for Credit
    • If keyed, type in card number and press ENTER
    • Type in expiration date (MMYY) and press ENTER
    • Card Present? F1 for Yes
    • Enter V-Code/CID Code and press ENTER, or press ENTER to bypass
    • If bypassed, select F1 (Not Present) F2 (Unreadable), F3 (Not Provided)
    • Enter Zip Code and press ENTER, or press ENTER to bypass
  7. The Verifone VX520 completes transaction and prints receipt. 

How To Run a Refund on a Verifone Vx520

  1. Press MORE. 
  2. Press F2 for Refund
  3. Enter Clerk/Server ID, and press ENTER
  4. Enter refund amount and press ENTER
  5. Verify the Refund total; and press F1 for Yes
  6. Swipe/Insert/Tap/Key card
  7. The Verifone VX520 displays Approved and prints receipts. 

How To Void a Transaction on a Verifone Vx520

  1. Press MORE
  2. Press F1 for Void
  3. Press F1 to void last transaction, or F2 for No
    • If F2 for No was selected; Press F1 to search via Invoice number, or F2 to search via Account number
    • Key in value corresponding to selection
  4. Press F1 for Yes to void transaction displayed, F3 to scroll to the next transaction, or F2 for No to go back to search options
  5. Receipt prints.

How To Adjust a Tip on a Verifone Vx520

  1. Press TIP ADJUST. 
  2. Select a search option, F1 for Server, F2 for Amount, F3 for Account, F4 for Invoice
  3. Enter retrieval information, and press ENTER
  4. Press F1 for Adjust
  5. Enter new tip amount and press ENTER
  6. Terminal displays Approved
  7. Press CANCEL two times to return to search menu, or three times to return to main screen
    • If only pressed twice, repeat steps to search again and add another tip

Settling Your Current Batch with on a Verifone Vx520

  1. Press MORE
  2. Press F3 for Settlement
  3. Report prints
  4. Press ENTER to confirm totals
  5. Settlement report prints

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