Host Merchant Services is an ISO of TransFirst. By selecting Host Merchant Services (HMS) as your provider, instead of contracting with TransFirst Merchant Services directly, you get a number of outstanding benefits.
As an ISO of TransFirst Merchant Services, HMS is a technology leader, providing a number of solutions not available with other providers or other TrasnFirst Merchant Services ISO’s. Not only do we provide TransFirst Merchange Services mobile payment solutions, for both Android and iPhone, we also provide a wide array of gateway support, both for Transaction Express (TXP), Transaction Central, and many other third-party solutions. We also support a wide variety of credit card processing terminals, as well as Point of Sale (POS) systems and fully integrated e-commerce.
Mobile Processing
Using your iPhone or Android device, you can easily access a wide array of features that help your phone function as a full-fledged credit card processing terminal. We fully support all TransFirst Merchant Services solutions, including HMSPay, PayFox, and Transaction Express based mobile payment solutions.
Online Payment Services
A wide array of payment gateway solutions, including Transaction Express, Transaction Central, Authorize.net, USA ePay, Nelix Transax, Payflow Pro, and along with just about any other commercially supported gateway. As an ISO of TransFirst Merchant Services, we have your e-commerce integration handled.