affiliate marketing

A Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2022

Posted: June 28, 2022 | Updated: July 19, 2022

The affiliate marketing approach has become incredibly popular in recent years. Spending in the Affiliate marketing sector has grown from $5.4 billion in 2017 to $8.2 billion in 2022, and it looks like it will only continue to grow further.

It’s not difficult to see why, as it provides numerous benefits to both brands and affiliate marketers. It can be a great way to generate sales and revenue while giving the impression of a more organic marketing approach.

In this article, you’ll find a detailed explanation of what affiliate marketing is and how it works, including its different types, examples of affiliate programs, and a few tips on how to become a great affiliate marketer.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

what is affiliate marketing

In affiliate marketing, you earn a commission by recommending products or services manufactured by another company. The affiliate partner is compensated when the store or advertiser achieves a specified result, usually a sale.

Some programs, however, will pay you for leads, free trial users, website clicks, or app downloads.

Affiliate networks are usually free to join, so you won’t have to worry about significant upfront costs. This performance-based opportunity can transition from a side-hustle to a viable online business idea by providing you with a steady income.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Here’s an example of how the affiliate marketing process works:

  1. On your website, blog, or social network, you post an ad for Store Z.
  2. Customers click on the link.
  3. They buy something from Store Z. 
  4. The affiliate network records the purchase.
  5. Store Z confirms the purchase. 
  6. The affiliate network pays you.

The commission rate varies depending on the company and the offer. Generally, you can earn about 5% of sales, but with some arrangements, you can earn as much as 50%, usually when promoting a class or event. A flat rate per sale is also available in affiliate marketing programs instead of a percentage.

How do Affiliates get money?

Earnings from affiliate marketing vary widely. Some marketers make a few hundred dollars per month, while others make six figures per year. As you gain followers, you can make more money.

You’ll find that affiliate programs offer a variety of payment options. Businesses may refer to it as a conversion type, a price or payout model, or another variation.

Marketing for physical products is typically aimed at generating sales. Regardless of what it is called, the payment model specifies the goals you will be compensated for. If you’re promoting software, you might ask people to sign up for a free trial.

Affiliate programs frequently use last-click attribution, which means that the affiliate who receives the click before the purchase receives full credit. As programs improve their attribution models and reporting, this is changing. In cases where a buyer’s conversion funnel had several affiliates, a brand may credit you equally for a sale.

Affiliates are typically paid in one of five ways:

  • Using pay per click, you receive commissions when your affiliate link is clicked. Pay per click is a service used by large retailers to promote their products. Customers are not required to join the merchant’s website or complete a purchase.
  • In a pay-per-sale model, you receive a commission with every sale. Ecommerce companies often use this method to pay their affiliates.
  • A pay-per-install program compensates you for every installation your website traffic generates. The purpose of your content would be to promote mobile apps and software so that users would download and install them.
  • With pay per action, you are rewarded for each action a customer takes. Affiliate programs use this payout model because it can apply to various offers, such as a subscription to a newsletter, a click, a form submission, and so on.
  • The term “pay per lead” refers to getting paid every time someone signs up for something. It’s a common payout method since companies use it for sweepstakes, lead generation, and other deals. Newcomers prefer cost-per-lead offers because generating leads is easier than selling things to an audience.

What Are the Different Types of Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing has three types of advertising, unattached, related, and involved. Take a look at each:


Unattached is the most basic form of affiliate marketing. In this type of advertising, the affiliate has no connection with the product or service being marketed. They cannot function as an authority or make claims regarding its use. Because the affiliate does not commit to the potential customer and product, they are not required to recommend or advise.


Affiliate marketing, as its name implies, involves promoting products or services by affiliates related to the item or service they are promoting. Affiliates are typically linked to a product or service based on their specializations. Affiliates have enough authority and influence to drive traffic, and their level of expertise establishes them as trustworthy sources. Affiliates, however, do not make any guarantees about the product or service.


Through this type of marketing, affiliates create a stronger bond with the product or service they are promoting. The user has used or is using the product and believes it will benefit others. Users’ personal experiences serve as advertisements and are reliable sources of information. Furthermore, as they are offering suggestions, any problems resulting from the service could jeopardize their reputation.

Pros and Cons of Affiliate Marketing

pros and cons of affiliate marketing

Advertisers and affiliate marketers may benefit greatly from affiliate marketing. Corporations benefit from low-cost advertising and the affiliates’ creative marketing efforts, and affiliates earn additional revenue and incentives. Affiliate marketing generates a high return on investment because the company pays for traffic that results in sales. Any advertising costs are the affiliate’s responsibility.

Affiliate networks have tight guidelines on how affiliates can generate leads. For instance, a few affiliate marketing programs specify how a product or service should be discussed in the content before an affiliate link can be recognized. In addition, there are prohibited methods, such as spyware or adware, which redirect product search inquiries to an affiliate’s site.

An affiliate marketing program can be fraudulent. A good affiliate marketing program must therefore be carefully planned. A contract arrangement that compensates for traffic rather than sales must be clearly stated.

Misspelled domains can be squatted by unscrupulous affiliates and used to redirect traffic to their sites. Using fraudulent or stolen information, they can fill out online registration forms, buy AdWords on search phrases where the company already ranks well, and so on. It is necessary to monitor and enforce affiliates even if the terms and conditions are explicit.

By exchanging goods and services, a firm can access motivated, creative individuals who can assist it in marketing its products internationally.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of affiliate marketing include:


  • The ability to access a broader market
  • Improved tracking of qualified leads
  • Advertising at a low cost


  • Vulnerable to fraud
  • Creative control is reduced
  • Stealing is a possibility

How to Start with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is really easy to get started with. Choosing a program and an approach, defining your niche and audience, finding the right product to promote, and choosing a platform are the only steps you need to take.

Affiliate marketing requires the same dedication and discipline as running your own business. Follow these steps to succeed:

1.   Find a program and choose your method

Your first step is deciding on which platform you will create an audience. Affiliate marketers have their strategies and platforms. You can choose from many affiliate marketing concepts based on different approaches.

  • Digital content creation: Bloggers, YouTubers, and social media influencers are examples of digital content creators. They specialize in creating content that appeals to a specific audience. The idea is to focus on products that organically resonate with their audience so it doesn’t feel like advertising. As a result, the likelihood of them purchasing increases, and you earn affiliate commissions.
  • Niche topic and review websites: These sites either review products for a specific audience or compare a product line to its competitors. You must post regularly and generate content relevant to the review field to attract an audience.
  • Courses or Trainings: If you teach a yoga class or have a workshop, you can take advantage of that space to push your affiliate partnership.

No matter what path you choose, the two most important aspects of affiliate marketing are authenticity and audience building. Your audience cannot be converted into affiliate sales if you can’t connect with them authentically.

The following marketplaces offer affiliate marketing programs:

2.   Choose your niche

Consider something you are passionate and knowledgeable about when choosing a specialty. In this way, you appear genuine and a good source of information to prospective customers. Furthermore, it helps you determine which products and brands to market.

The niche you choose for your affiliate site determines how much effort and time you will need to put into it before you can start seeing SEO benefits.

For example, blogs with ample marketing budgets dominate the SERPs for marketing, healthcare, and software. You need to identify untapped areas where competition isn’t as fierce and get there before your competitors do.

To learn more about your audience and what they like, try using affiliate marketing tools such as website analytics, social media insights, and social listening tools.

Understanding why your target audience follows you is important.

It is important to remember that you are not paid to publish. Affiliate marketing is a pay-per-performance business model. Knowing what your target audience enjoys, you can suggest the best products to them and increase your affiliate income.

3.   Find the right product

Affiliate marketers need to relate to their audience to earn money. The products or services they promote must be products they want to purchase. In the eyes of your audience, a mistake here will undermine your credibility and sabotage your success.

It’s okay if you’re unsure where to look for products or brands to work with. Several affiliate marketplaces are available, including:

It is also possible to check the websites of the items and services you use to see if they offer affiliate programs. Often, large corporations promote affiliate programs on their websites, such as Amazon Associates and Shopify.

Consider taking a more direct approach. If you find a fantastic product, contact the owner to see if they offer affiliate programs. If they don’t, they may be willing to come to an arrangement with you, such as offering you a special promo code to share with your followers.

You can get excellent deals when you approach a seller of a new fitness product if you’re a health and wellness blogger and already have a proper distribution channel in place.

For affiliate marketing schemes, you must follow the terms of service. Be sure to read the small print. A link usually contains a cookie with a specific expiration date, and some programs won’t let you purchase pay-per-click ads using the product or company’s name.

4.   Choose the right platform

If you brainstorm products or browse affiliate sites, you must remember that the product should align with your audience or the audience you are trying to build. What might your intended audience find useful? Does it relate to your expertise?

For instance, a cuisine blogger is unlikely to sell beauty products. A better choice would be kitchenware, meal sets, gourmet ingredients, or even aprons.

You should also ensure that the product or service you’re offering is appropriate for the platform on which it is being promoted. For instance, clothing and decoration-centered products are ideal for image-rich platforms such as Instagram. Meanwhile, for products with more interaction, such as software, you are better off using longer-form venues, such as a blog or YouTube video, which may yield higher conversion rates.

Consider the following when choosing a platform:

  • What platforms do you use most?
  • Which platforms are most familiar to you?

Affiliate marketers commonly use the following platforms:

  • Instagram 
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest 
  • TikTok
  • Blogging
  • Pay per click (PPC)

Using a marketing platform, you’re comfortable with helps you create high-quality content. As a result, you’ll have a stronger, more engaged audience you can convert into sales. 

Best Practices for Affiliate Marketing

To make sure you are getting the most out of your affiliate marketing program, follow these tips:

Engage and establish a relationship with your audience: Authenticity is crucial, as is establishing a relationship with your audience and keeping them interested. Provide honest feedback or recommendations whenever possible. Misleading information can damage your reputation and relationships with your audience and affiliate partners.

Experiment with affiliate marketing: Partnering with a single affiliate can be risky. We recommend partnering with a broad range of affiliates. Make sure you have more than one partner, just in case things go wrong.

Make good decisions with analytics tools: Data is your friend. Using data, you can determine when to post, what kind of content performs well with your audience, and what content is most engaging.

In addition, keep an eye out for rising trends. You can monitor search volume for specific themes or keywords using keyword research tools or Google Trends.

Provide easy access to your affiliate links: Make it easier for viewers to locate your affiliate connections. You can encourage people to purchase by including links in the description box or bio or using a compelling call to action.

Focus on your specialty: If you work in a competitive field, finding your specialty is crucial. Use keyword research tools to find out what people are searching for and what regions you might target. Your goal should be to stand out and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Improve your content: There is always room for improvement. To increase your search engine optimization, you must also examine data. Establish what your audience responds to most (content type, platform, product) and develop content that reflects their interests.

Affiliate Marketing Trends to Look Out for in 2022

Two trends have become incredibly popular in the last few years: social selling and omnichannel options. Here’s a breakdown of both:

Social selling

Social selling can be done through video platforms that allow you to create and sell videos. You can communicate with your audience and promote affiliate products through these platforms.

Moreover, don’t ignore the power of smaller influencers. Even though micro- and nano-influencers have fewer followers than their mega- or macro-contributors, firms are more likely to collaborate with these influencers.

Micro- and nano-influencers have a loyal following and are more genuine. This type of influencer has a high engagement rate because their relationship is based on trust. A small but dedicated audience and competence in a specific niche are all you need. 

Omni-channel options

You can broaden your reach by providing omnichannel experiences to your audience. Make sure you go to where they are most likely to spend time. If they’re on social media, take advantage of that and target that channel.

It’s not to say you won’t consider other options. Your visibility will increase if you find an alternative or newer communication channel.


Affiliate marketing can work as either a new source of revenue or a low-cost marketing channel, depending on if you are the affiliate marketer or the product vendor. The beauty of this system is that it can take many forms and be used across a wide range of channels to fit the needs of any niche. You can use social media channels to make your efforts feel more organic to your audience, increasing the likelihood that they’ll follow your links, buy the products you recommend, or otherwise take the actions you want them to.

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